Ihre Kommentare : Bluesteel

  vor 8 Jahren 

Challengers, this is the correct map for the Multi Map Marathon. Good luck!
Challengers, ceci est la carte correcte pour le Multi Carte Marathon. Bon chance !

  vor 9 Jahren 

Moorea I'm sure you will beat me at this one. I haven't played this map for years and have to relearn it all and it's harder than Spain!

  vor 9 Jahren 

Challengers, this is the correct map for the Multi Map Marathon. Good luck!
Challengers, ceci est la carte correcte pour le Multi Carte Marathon. Bon chance !

  vor 9 Jahren 

Challengers, this is the correct map for the Multi Map Marathon
Challengers, ceci est la carte correcte pour le Multi Carte Marathon

  vor 9 Jahren 

Well done Chrysss! I'll try to join you up there if I can

  vor 10 Jahren 

You are going to get there LeeranerJung, just a few more points to go. I've run out of time to play now, maybe just a couple more goes. Good luck!

  vor 10 Jahren 

Well done LeeranerJung! You'll soon get past me. But it's not easy is it?

  vor 10 Jahren 

@Panda, your score is showing now. Sometimes you have to refresh the screen for it to show, it's happened to me a few times too.

  vor 11 Jahren 

Yes, this map is very hard. I seem to be stuck on 106k now. I was hoping for 108k but I don't think I'll get there...