Ihre Kommentare : Städte der Schweiz
Sorry, aber Collonge-Bellerive liegt am Genfersee im Kanton Genf und nicht im Kanton Wallis. Grober Fehler!
Schreibt nicht so ein mist hier rein das ist kein Chat sondern das ist um ein Beatle anzufragen und um seinen Kommentar zu schreiben.
Die eingespielte Reklame finanziert wohl das game. Aber müssen es wirklich teilweise über 20 Sekunden sein, bis man das Filmchen überspringen kann? Das ärgert!!!
I think I will never hit the towns "Aadorf" and "Weinfelden" - the whole Sankt Gallen and Zürich region is very difficult, no rivers, nothing, so, I still guess them mostly - the Italian ones are rather easy, the French ones too, with some exceptions (too many ending in -y- ) and for a great score you need simply a lot of luck
Thanks Panda... Well I do like this map.
And I always hope to get the right cities that can give me the result I know I can get here.
And the weather here in Sweden have been just terrible so that also been a important factor.
But now I soon have to quit.
The city named "Embrach" came up for the first time just a few minutes ago....I played here for 3 days now and I believe Im up to 13-14 hours or something... That is a proof on how difficult this is.
So you got Geneve for the first time Panda... Thats bad luck.
Cities like that is great to have in a game
@Leeraner....great score !!!! i agree with you , this map is a little crazy.....i've seen Geneve only now , first time after 3 days !!!! i admire your perseverance !!!! I haven't it !!!
@Grumer ....thanks a lot !!!!
@Klettersteig....great !!!!
Really great score Leer.
And believe me.... That thing about city number 18 /19... haha
That is a familiar situation that I recognize well.
I think this map is cursed or something
Congratulations Klettersteig and Panda...I knew you would do 100 k Panda
Good job !!!
@challengers: still 7 hours remaining on that map before the end of mini tournament. Let's go!
@LeerarnerJung: Congratulations for your awesome score, but no need to get crazy! lol!
you are on the way for a new highscore, then city 18 is one you haven't seen for 6 hours and of course you don't know it anymore - this is one really crazy map, lol
Okay, 4 o'clock in the morning now if a map makes me angry, I can't stop until I have conquered it 2 kms off and 1,9 sec in average at my best score: won't get much better though cos i have to think and search too much still. . . .
I wish all challengers a nice Sunday !!!
Thanks Panda
That really took a while to reach !!!
And I so agree with you.
And all this cities starting with O and Z.
I cant get a grip over them !!
I think I reach the point to where enough is enough here.
I was lucky on that game to have resonable cities.
Even if some of them was tough of course
welldone !!!! over 100k......isn't a bad map !! but i think i'd never play a map with so many cities !!!!!
Good luck !
Thanks panda
I have spent way too long on this map, I should be doing my assignment!
I don't know how many cities there are, but still after many times playing new ones come out! I like the towns kusnacht and kussnacht....
so I bid the challengers Good night with a kiss
HI Challengers, hope you are enjoying this map, I wish I had some fondue while completing it...it seems quite difficult to me, I have only visited a few of these places, an interesting challenge...
well done challengers! once again some amazing scores already!
Yes, this map is very hard. I seem to be stuck on 106k now. I was hoping for 108k but I don't think I'll get there...
Congratulations Leer to 100 + And I so agree.. This is a very difficult map. There must be 500 cities on this one Even if I spend a lot of time here this friday evening I still saw a new city at the end. But its a fun map to play.
Ouais Venise, je viens de voir ton score.... bien sûr à nouveau toues mes félicitations. Dommage qu'il a trop peu de monde que nous connaissons les deux n'y joue pas. Bisous.
Coucou Venise, un grand bravo pour ton score faramineux que tu viens d'accomplir. Bon maintenant avec plus de 6000 pts d'avance, difficile de te rattraper, malgré que tu ne joue plus dès demain. Bonnes vacances, bisous.
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